To the Good Lord and His Men

(With due respect to the King of Kings, God almighty, I mean no disrespect to you and your followers.Its just one of my views that I state below)

It was "SHIVRATRI" and I like any other ardent believer of the Almighty went to the temple to pay my Lord a visit.
There is this one question that crosses and shakes my mind every time I visit a sacred place, preventing me from concentrating on praying.Like I'll tell you what happened this time; people bought packets of milk and poured it all on the "SHIVLING". I wouldn't have actually minded that had there been a proper channel to collect this milk and use it further. But to my dismay and to the dismay of all sensible souls who care to think about the prevailing situation of poverty in our country,it( the milk) all went into the gutter!!

Ok now people have faith and i respect that. I am in no sense of world an atheist but still I firmly believe that my Lord will be as happy with me offering him water and flowers as with the packet of milk many just wasted.

Its a matter of faith.I have grown up listening to this adage " BHAGWAAN BHAAV K BHOOKHE H" .There is no competition going on here as to who will offer the best and the most expensive. What God wants is that we should have faith in Him.

"Abu Ben Adhem" , I don't know how many of you would have read this poem. I have and ever since then I know that God would be happier with us if we help His men.

For the atheists- You may not believe in God but "Karma" is a cycle every single soul alive believes in. You do good you get back better.

There are many outside the temple who need the milk and offerings more than the Almighty.Why do you just ignore them and move on. Don't there crying helpless faces shake your hearts. Help them because you know not when it'll be Him asking for your help.


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