The new life and some takes..

So, its almost a week at IIM Indore, Mumbai Campus and since I haven’t written any thing for almost a month; I feel that it is my moral obligation to write and enlighten the world which had been so deprived of some food for thought.
The weather here is as fickle as any chameleon can get, the sky changing colors every now and then and you getting drenched in the rains, all wet and then within ten minutes you have all dried up due to the pinching, dense sunshine.
Assignments are pouring in and the freshers had been a blast. The past week had been so busy that these four days’ off seems absurd.
In the midst of all these, I am actually enjoying what people call the “perks of being at a premier institute in India”.  I would thus share two most peculiar ones  with you and in italics will be my take on them.
1.Suddenly I realised that people have started believing in my talent. The question mark on my abilities is gone just because I happened to garner a seat in a top notch institute. Well, does that make me special ? I was always the same. How can the measure of abilities be subjected to cracking an exam.

2.I am the new “GyanGuru” in the market. People have been coming to me to ask how I studied. To be frank, I do not know , I was just studying my way. I do not know how accurately it will apply to some one else.

Please See: there are some genuine ones who actually believed in you from the day one and knew that you would make it big but we are not talking about them at the moment.

So, you saw how attitude changes. Suddenly you are turned into a demi-God, the omniscient , the shining star they could have at any time laid a bet on.

Dear People, seriously ?
Grow up!

We here are still normal people who have been selected because the panel just saw something in us which you had failed to do. Also, a major factor being that it was our day that day.
Stop giving our examples to other kids. They are different from us and might be even better. Also,just because we are here does not make us any better. What will make us different at some point of time will be the amount of hardwork and knowledge that will be put in by us and our faculty. At the end of the day, it is all about nurturing yourself, which if someone fails to do even here will not be able to go far.

Remember, No Tata or Birla or Gates went to a big institute. They just had the will to work.

And as Thomas Elva Edison said,” Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work”.

I hope you got the point.

(Confused Genius is loving all the attention and wants to enjoy it, but then there are cases to read and assignments to do, so she will just make use of the opportunity at hand and start working; of course till the point where her work will speak for herself; well that’s the plan)


  1. A nice read... Kudos to the pseudonym... Just 2 perspectives to be considered:
    1. Should have definitely written about the Pre-Freshers' "Donkey's Work but Worth It" which earned the Freshers'
    2. You are yet to experience the real pinch of the Sun during Mumbai summers

    1. 1) The donkey's work : the blog was in another dimension of it so, you will have to wait till your farewell to get a mention of the "donkey's work".

      2) And the summers: Will face them head on; we have the ac classrooms at our rescue !

  2. Well I'm pretty sure u dont know me, so ya let me introduce myself first...I'm one of those few dumb people who were the pioneer batch of the Mumbai campus. And if ur finding the attention too daunting right now I suggest u get used to it cos it just gets worst...I completely thought the same way as u are thinking but once out there in the corp world after graduating u ll realize all the attention is not uncalled for...u ll realize how yr perspective will be so much more different then almost 99% of people out there...better or worse is debatable... So my suggestion...relish the attention... Make the best of the opportunity u have gained with ur hard work...

    On a lighter me u have awesome seniors... Learn from them n have fun!!!

  3. Dear Chi, am perfectly ok with the attention, the point is that people suddenly changed their opinion, its this hypocrisy that I do not support.
    And yeah, seniors well they actually are awesome :)


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