Dear Maa

Dear Maa,
It is going to be two weeks soon and am happily studying here. Though I find it awkward when people ask me if I miss home, I'll be honest in saying that I fail to answer them. I do not know if I miss you people or not. You see, there is a lot to learn here, lot to achieve and I do not want to miss out on anything.
Well, this was what it seems on the outset, if I delve deep into my emotions, I find that I had been doing all this, making myself busy with thing so that I forget the feeling of being away from home. I miss the morning breakfast at 8 and how I used to force you to sit with me while I get ready. I feel really bad when I see that its lunch time but still I am in no situation to count the hours for it to be 5:30. I miss it at 6 p.m. when you used to be standing out waiting for me. I miss the Sunday's national breakfast of poha.
I miss the crazy fights we had and how I used to call from office asking nani to make rajma chaval or kadhi chaval.
I miss those late night studies when I used to keep you awake just to check that I do not doze off. I miss the infinitely many stories I had to narrate every day without fail, the stupid science fiction laden dreams that I had and you used to make fun of.
I remember fighting with Vibhu whenever she came back and the phone calls made. I remember how every Saturday evening there had to be a discussion about me going out in shorts; my only savior being that we are going by car.
I remember how Dad and me fought over the T.V. remote only to realize that we both wanted to see a news channel, though a different one.

Life here is different and I know it will be totally different from now on. I will not be the kid I was so happy to be all these years. I will have responsibilities that I will have to fulfill without fail. I will be a grown up.

A midst all this, there is something that will never change and that is the bond we share. I miss home a lot, just that I try to forget it but you see sometimes, its better to let that tear drop.

Yours Lovingly
Confused Genius


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