Importance of Being “A-theist”

Sunday, usually is the day when I prefer spending the whole day reading; the first half reading the news paper and the second half, reading anything I lay my hands upon. Today, I read an article about an atheist who went about defying the customs emphasizing on the futility of the multiple hours people waste worshiping and performing rituals.
I, have been for a part of my life an atheist, I was very much a devoted worshipper before that and presently I hang somewhere in between. I do not deny the existence of God, not because I know of it but because I do not consider it to be a topic to waste my time thinking about. If He is there, He can well be and do His work like I am doing mine. I respect Him because maybe I have been told to do so or maybe because I believe in Him. One thing for sure is that I respect Him.
I do not prefer sitting in the rituals, I do not really follow the day based customs of cutting your nails or washing your hair and I do not offer Prasad or big donations (let alone big, I do not offer Rs 10 even) to the temples. Yes, but I do not mind offering flowers after I have bought them from some lady down the road.
I silently criticize people for being absurd enough to pour milk (heavily laden with water) on an idol but I do not argue with them on this absurdity as well. After all, their alleged devotion is running someone’s home, feeding his family.
I do not go to temples usually, but whenever I do, it is more of an outing but I do not actually mind paying gratitude for something good that has happened to me. What is wrong after all in sharing my happiness?
The atheists challenge God’s existence, the theists believe in it unquestioningly and I am the Mathematician who challenges why 2+2=4 not called 5 and yet believes in it.
I personally believe that there is no harm in placing your faith in something, even if it is a lifeless idol; worshipping it is not wrong either because it is our faith that keeps us going. As long as it is not affecting any of the people around negatively, anyone is free to exercise their right to faith.
But the line has to be drawn where it starts hurting anyone. Superstitions are what need to be condemned, hypocrisy of worshipping idols while tormenting His people is something that needs to be done away with.
And, for the atheists, well you can definitely go about your theories, firmly believing in them while not mocking at people’s faith. There is nothing wrong in reasoning out but condemnation of a thing as insignificant as worshipping an idol, I personally do not see sense in it.
Well, let me just state this with no offence to anyone that it is comparable to the recent ban on a food product since it ended up affecting livelihoods. Condemning idol worship will actually affect the livelihoods of artisans whose sole business is making statues.
The importance of being an “A-theist” is that just like the way it is written, it can be seen both as a theist and atheist. You believe and you still question; you do not believe but still you do not unnecessarily question. Basically, you do not really condemn anyone for their faith in or against it.
The point is, people need something to believe in, the theists believe in Him, the atheists believe in Not-Him and the rationales, well someday they will officially name it “A-Theism”.

(Confused Genius has already babbled a lot, hasn't she? Do not expect the expert comment now :P)

(PS: I have no opinion on the beef ban, I might sound to be playing safe but the only thing that concerns me here is the economic consequence. If enough livelihood options are provided to the affected, I do not think anyone should have any qualm. And for those who have one option less to eat, Namaskaar!!)


  1. quite a term...superbly conceptualized. Also couldn't help but notice how you have used a capital 'H' every time for 'Him'- says a lot :P

    1. Yes, you got that; the capital H plus the criticism !

  2. Nicely written.....

    Hope u will elaborate a little more on the topic in ur next blog. ...
    keep writing and reflecting your opinion! !!!

  3. Nice effort in explaining the concept of A-theism which is practiced at least on subconscious level especially by younger generation...
    Keep enlightening....!!!

  4. Good Attempt.... But needs lot to understand about A-theism and A-theists....... I still have a hope on your next blog to give more emphasize on your highlights of previous blogs on this topic


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