An Ode to a MAN

Starting with “I do not know what”, I really do not know what to write, how to express what is going through my mind. Its like I am feeling so numb, so not-exactly lifeless but still I know that there is some part of mine that is missing.
This piece is an ode to the amazing person, a true human being who I really know; I am blessed to have known. The person, I wasn’t really close to Him and its not that I have known Him for all my life; I have known him for just about 5-6 years but this was enough for me to revere Him for forever or being just Him.
The Man, no more now but He left just the way He had always lived; calm, happy, oblivious to the world and all by Him. This Man; He stood for everyone, did beyond the boundaries for all and never expected anything in return.
A life not really short but neither too long, He was the man cherished by all. For happiness was what His aura spelled. He was truly one of a kind.
Honestly, I do not share many fond memories with Him but His life, in all that I’ve known Him, was the apostle of love, care and warmth. He faced more than His share of challenges and miseries but the best part; He never really gave a damn to things.
Unflinched, unhindered He kept working His way through. He passed unscathed but when He couldn’t ; He never gave a damn again.
He had a woman in His life whom He dearly loved but she left Him. He was heartbroken but never let it become evident. He never once complained about what people said of Him. His own relatives slandered Him for being dishonest (something He wasn’t but they were) but again it didn’t bother Him a bit.
The woman He called His mother, even she didn’t return His love enough but even than He loved her with all the respect and warmth.
This man never asked for help, He always was satisfied with whatever little He had. And like He had always lived, died at just the time when He could have bothered others.
He was the perfect man, He was rock solid, the perfect example of any  strong man the literature boasts of.
He was the man who really searched and found happiness in every moment, rather I should say that He never searched, it was the way He lived.
The enigma behind his not so perfect life that He so perfectly lived will never be known.
I have seen people and I have seen Him, He was really a MAN
True to your name, you really did conquer all.
You will always be missed.


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