Social NOTworking

I had been talking to a friend one day when suddenly the topic came, he isn't interested for he does not reply to my whatsapp jokes, atleast he can reply with a smiley if not more.

Shocked, perplexed or whatever, I was exactly the same; how could whatsapp define someone's emotions for you?

Well, this being just one of the many similar conversations I have had, not to deny the fact that I myself have been a victim to something similar.

The pictures and posts on Facebook and the number of likes on them. Though very awkward to say but yes, many times I have felt low because of not getting so many likes on an allegedly beautiful picture of mine, many or rather most of the times, my posts do not get the much deserved response as compared to the poorly written verse that am sure no one would ever rate as good.

Am giving my example because this is the closest I have got to this, but its not about me alone. Many of us must be thinking secretly that its their story too.

And for the guys if they think that it is time for female bashing, then sir, you are no less. Let me please not mention that fake profile or that sexist joke.

Well moving ahead from the girl boy rivalry there is alot more to it. The holiday pics meant specially for updating; the Instagram to let people know what you are doing when through the medium of pictures; the status update of how you are feeling and alot more.

We all feel like some celebrity that the world must be dying to know about right (TIC) !

When people update feeling annoyed with so and so, its better they go and punch the person's face rather than updating and enjoying holidays should be more in actuality than the status.

I wonder someday people will start updating their "potty" colour and texture too and maybe how many times they went for "mootra-visarjan".

All this, to show the people what you are doing, and that too to the people who do not really care more than just liking your post/picture even when it has not loaded properly.

All this at the cost of those, who are sitting next to you waiting for you to lift your eyes off that wretch of the handset so that they might talk to you.

Social Networking, which was actually aimed at keeping in touch with the long lost ones is actually replacing our day to day actual life. The virtual world is becoming all the more real and close to us.
A shame it is, that sitting next to our friends or parents, we are chatting with the one online. The closest family member is the one who responds the most to my posts. The best friend should like all my pictures. Why did my acquaintance befriend someone on Fb when I do not like them ?

Now all this is ridiculous I know but then all this is true, isn't it ??

The point is, the virtual one is a great world, you can be what you want to be but then there is the reality where you are what you actually are.
There is no virtual reality.
Let the people close be not defined by your virtual networking parameters.
Let emotions prevail, let the reality be it.

(Confused Genius has thought quiet alot about this and has gradually started to reduce her daily dose of social networking, maybe its time you start that too)


  1. Well, it all depends on us.. but u cant escape technology/advancement n it's impact in ur life...


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