The Hairy Girl

As odd as it may sound, I have no qualms in accepting the fact that I am a lazy bee who can go without waxing for months together and still roam around wearing bermudas irrespective and oblivious "by choice" to what people might be thinking about me !
In short I do not care about people who have time as futile that they would waste it commenting on my hairy hands and legs.

I sometimes question myself, why do we females have to wax ? Why is our beauty defined by something as insignificant as body hair. Why is being lady like equivalent to someone who is not in her natural form.
I will not say that I break the norms, well it is something even I acquiesce to but why have I learnt it this way? Why can I not go around to parties with all those hair and still look hot or attractive for that matter!

Why do guys have the option of women liking them bearded but I have never seen a guy who prefers women with body hair. Why are we being typecast into such a shallow definition of beauty, nice sharp features, a bit towards fair skin, all made up, everything in place dolls ?

Sometimes I really have the urge to break these conventions but then I am so scared about not looking good that I end up following all these.

Why can I not have bushy eyebrows and that "like moustache" hair on my upperlip. Of course my hormones will not let me turn into a man but why so much of pains.

Believe me, no matter how much we preach, for most of us beauty is just skin deep! After all, if is is not a sight for your eye, it will never turn into a delight for your mind !!

Life is such a paradox, sometimes you cannot do something about certain things and all you do is "eat the truth and go for waxing" !

(Confused Genius has an appointment this week !! Meanwhile she is enjoying the hairy phase of her life)


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