Beetching !!

I say it with double 'e' instead of an 'i' because that explains the level of perplexity this thing has caused in my life. There are certain trends that I have observed and I would like you all to kindly throw some light on them for me. The trends are as under:
  1. We bitch about the ones we have stayed and observed a lot.
  2. We stay a lot with them and that is why we bitch about them.
  3. We have observed them enough in our stay with them and that is why we bitch about them.
  4. We bitch about them and that is why we observe them all the more.
  5. We bitch behind their back but we are all so cloyingly sweet with them when they are there.
  6. Bitching for us is a statement of fact but that is what we feel about someone (and expectation is that it be taken as universal)
  7. The person we bitch with is bitched about in front of the one we just bitched about.
  8. We bitch in front of one and all with the assumption that we are the only ones who are doing things "idhar-udhar" (being the messenger).
  9. Bitching helps us to vent out our frustrations is a popular opinion ( not necessarily true).
  10. Bitching seems to have become our national pass time.
Now, you people must be thinking what exactly has gone wrong with my head that I have suddenly began a people bashing spree. Well, actually, this time it is not with people but with me.
I had been cribbing about people a lot lately and then suddenly one day I got so irritated with my own self.

 I realised that my time was getting wasted in these useless pursuits and the ones I was bitching about were actually having fun. In short I was giving myself more reasons to be incompetent by wasting my time in bitching.
That very day I decided that I would stop it forever. There is no harm in sharing your feelings but getting obsessed with finding faults with someone spells a disaster.
And most importantly we have to take sides. We cannot be this side and that side too like a spineless rubber ball which keeps changing its track.
We are humans and thankfully most of us have a very rigid spine.

So, folks it is high time that we stop behaving like rubber balls. At least we should be clear about our likes and dislikes and stand by them if we cannot change them. And most importantly, let our hatred be the fuel for our betterment with a promise to ourselves that we would not be what we hate in others.

(Confused Genius has learnt the difference between venting out frustration and bitching. Maybe you should do it too!!)


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