Spoiler alert

I was just facebooking and i read this post on a *gadha* page. The admin had condescendingly revealed the suspense of Ghanchakkar. I do not know how much it stood on the veracity scale but it surely was a spoiler. I was quite upbeat about watching the movie but then it had been well spoilt.

Brings me to the dedicated "spoilers" whose sole aim in life is to spoil the fun and life of others.
And this was just for a movie, spoilers are the weeds that grow anywhere and everywhere, so much that you really feel like weeding them out.
There are spoilers in office who go about telling people about your plans for the new system you so intently carved out and waiting for the d-day to reveal it. Then there are self proclaimed samaritans who are always there to give their suggestions, sometimes even ending up spoiling your plans. There is this friend who always spills the beans about the most coveted surprise and the worst of all, someone who tells that the dish is not good when you are about to put that first morsel in your mouth.

All this is always frustrating, but we always; since we are civilised, take a step back. Lets just ignore them, this is what we say and somewhere inside we know, it doesn't work at all.

I personally feel that we should confront, at least reason out and if the things don't go smoothly then maybe embarrass the one too.
what's wrong with that, tit for tat works most of the times.
Maybe we should try that too :-P

(PS: the author doesn't suggest an eye for an eye but bantering always helps #personal experience)


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