Getting Committed and Beyond


I had been observing people around and there is this implacable urge in them to somehow end up being “committed”, talks of finding “true love” and finally settling down with the “love of their life”.
There are marriages happening around me of people of my age and I am sadly left flabbergasted as to have I really grown this old?
People are marrying their “first loves”, though this first love happened nth time (tic). And the ones who are still single are searching for their “right ones”, needless to say; desperately.
Now, here is an eye opener for you all. Please see to the fact that there is no “first love” or “love of your life”. It’s all you falling for someone and compatibility. And you finally settle down when you see no other better option coming your way, sometimes you choose it, sometimes your parents do it for you.
That is my personal observation and I may well be wrong but this is generality I speak of.
And for all those who think that their “prince charming” will keep them like a princess; well oh the princess-effect wears off after a maximum of 1 year (there may be exceptions I do not negate) and the hot girl soon gets boring because there are other hot girls too.
Life of a “committed” one through the eyes of a “single” person seems fun and perfect but to be honest, the vice-versa exists here too.
That shared ice-cream doesn't taste really good always and sometimes you just feel you get the whole “Cadbury Silk” all for yourself. And then you have to measure before you speak to your one or other ones. And you always have to think what the other person is thinking about you.
There are a lot of ifs and buts and you have to live through them.
Believe me when I say that the best of the relation that really works is the one where you stop pretending as a romantic partner and act as a friend. It is just like that. Romance is not something that is going to smolder through always. The fire goes off soon and then you see the other “fires”.
Do not get desperate for finding that special someone because any day you will get just what God has made for you, you really don’t have to worry for that. Do not let your friends make fun of you and call you a desperado and please for your sake do not spoil the many moments you could have enjoyed with the opposite sex friends which you just did flirting with them, taking them as a future prospect.
So, just hang on and enjoy with your friends, do not get committed just for the sake of it; because when you have friend, you have options too (tic); but when you are “committed” (mind it! Committed I say) you are actually not on a lookout for or of.

 (PS: The passage has no direct/indirect relation to the author)


  1. making the readers confused idiots..

  2. very poor sense of grammar and punctuation.
    before writing blogs first learn to correct your grammar.
    A fool is flattering you without even reading the blog and you reply to him saying " it meant a lot to me".
    Those who seriously read the blog will only point to the many grammar mistakes and disjoint ideas in this


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