
Showing posts from 2016

I Leave or You!

There was this Supreme Court verdict about women separating men from their family and the feminists had something to frown upon! So there are a few points I would hence propound and you are free to consider my audacity as mean and illogical! 1) When a girl leaves her family after marriage, more often than not they are so excited about starting their new life that the thought that they would be leaving the family does not come to their minds- which implies that it is an act done of one's own volition. 2) Further to point 1, had it been the case that the girl was forced to leave her home by the groom or his family, it would have been equivalent to abduction or forceful restrain which is punishable by law. 3) The case in specific over which the honourable Supreme Court has passed the verdict is for a situation encompassing coercing the spouse to either render the parents homeless or leave them to fend for their own- which is not justifiable even on humanitarian grounds. 4)...

Full Circles- Prologue

So I was doing this random Facebook stalking and I came across the post of someone who had been lamenting over how his parent did not want him to get into the same profession as his since he (the parent) had been so "honest" and "dedicated" throughout and yet how none was appreciating him for it. Co-incidentally the parent had been notoriously known in all the circles for being a really corrupt (taking bribes in the name of "development funds" which co-incidentally developed the properties for him) person who did not even leave the people from his own profession when it came to being considerate (read less corrupt or honest). This particular person, left no stone unturned in using whatever little power he had to ensure the best for his family at the cost of others while parallely ensuring that he keeps blowing the trumpet of how "honest" he had been. But you see, life is like that and karma comes in full circles so now this person is at the r...

I Do Not Care

Once upon a time, in a land close by lived a family who cared a lot- they cared about each other, about the world, about the neighbours, about what people said and since they cared so much, they had their share of happiness and tensions and they "just lived" thereafter. The family had multiple generations and then after a few of them were born a boy and girl who grew into rebellious (read dillusional) teenagers who did not care! Now, they did not care and hence whenever someone asked them to do something or gave an advice, they simply shrugged telling that they did not care. Then came social media and they started posting updates and images about them not caring and they kept telling the world that they did not care at all, that they were the "yo" people who were different. Slowly, this trend caught up and everyone started not caring and telling everyone the same. Surprisingly, every one thought they were different from the rest- well yeah like the rest b...

In Your Face!- The Friend Checklist

Dear All, It has been like more than my usual posting time since I last posted in September. This was unusually bad of me to have neglected this particular blog since it was the first one I ever had and it did and still continues to provide me the maximum audience I have. So, that makes me look really bad to myself because that is not how it should be. And so, my sincere apologies to "And so I thought and said". Anyway, so you all must have had a lot of friends, like minimum 10 of them and that is really really good for you because you should have a lot of people to hang out with. Yes! I just said that and I know it is mean but the reasons I can explain pretty well. You see, how do you define friends?  Someone with whom you can share everything you want to and you know you will not be judged. Your friend is someone who stand by you through thick and thin and do blah blah things for you. So positive na! Such beautiful way of defining friendship  which is actually anot...